日本 1969
日乃谷啓,1969 年出生於日本金澤市,畢業於石川縣立工業技術學校,以歷史文明和精神層面的偶像崇拜為主題,呈現了一系列使用鈔票材料、偶像雕刻、自動繪畫和冥想繪畫的繪畫和版畫。曾獲2014年東京設計週藝博會(TDW Art Fair)上半年評審團特別獎、今村有策賞得主等獎項。作品曾展於日本、台灣、中國等地。 日乃谷啓的作品包含三大主題:第一「21世紀的偶像藝術」,如神話,宗教,象徵,國家,貨幣兌換制度和文化。第二「冥想」,以自我溝通視為重要課題藉此創造他的作品靈感來源。第三「日本塔爾塔羅斯」(TARTAROS JAPAN),以繪畫、雕塑、混合媒體、裝置和概念藝術為主的藝術項目。塔爾塔羅斯是希臘神話中地下神靈的名字,是生命誕生又回歸之處。日本是絲路的終點,也是東方文明的終點。即使東西方文明分離,但創世背景是一個統一的世界,地球文明由冥府之門連結起來。 Kei Hinotani was born in Kanazawa City, Japan, in 1969. He graduated from the National Institute of Technology, Ishikawa College. His work revolves around the theme of idol worship from historical civilizations and spiritual perspectives. He presents a series of paintings and prints using banknote materials, idol sculptures, automatic drawing, and meditation drawing. He has received awards such as the Special Jury Prize at the 2014 Tokyo Design Week Art Fair (TDW Art Fair) and the Imamura Yusaku Prize. His works have been exhibited in Japan, Taiwan, China, and other places. There are three key phrases to Kei Hinotani's work. The first is idolized art in the 21st century, which includes most objects that people worship such as myths, religions, symbols, nations, currency exchange systems, and subcultures. The second phrase is meditation, which is important to him as he uses channeling-based visionary sessions, and language sessions to create his works. And the third phrase is TARTAROS JAPAN. TARTAROS, is a world of the god of Greek mythology where life is created and returns. Japan is the end of Oriental civilization. Even if civilization separates in the east and west, a world integrated under the ground is the symbol of TARTAROS JAPAN. Kei believes that TARTAROS JAPAN is a symbolic name that shows the fundamental power of art from a perspective freed from modern individualism.